Monday, August 30, 2004

PS3 Sneek Peek

These pictures are from a great article on the soon coming Playstation 3. Notice the shinyness and all of the lights. That's right it even has the clapper builtin. Now that is definetly somthing. You can read the article here. 

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

A Churching we will go!

These pictures were taken sunday on our way to Church for the first time. Click on the image to see it full size.

 Posted by Hello

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Newest Baby Pic's!

These are the latest pictures of my twins David and Jeanna. Click on the image to see it full size. 

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Soldering Surprise

So NASA is test soldering techniques in the space station to make sure that they can solder in space incase somthing goes wrong on there long trip to Mars. Check out the cool results .Here. (Opens small WMV clip)

You can read the articleHere.


This is cool link that has a program that converts text to Binary, Hex and Octal coding language. I think I am becoming more of a geek every day.Binary Converter

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Coming Home!

The twins have already been home for over a week but this is the first time I could get to the computer to post any new pictures. So this one is there first time in there car seats on the day we came home.  Posted by Hello